Welcome to Helix Mining and Manufacturing's main page, here is a general summary of what Helix M&M does.

One of our main activities is group mining. We now have Orca support, as well as a separate mining booster. Usually, there is a mining day scheduled within a corp, but we have an emphasis on group mining operations so we feel that group mining should take place regularly. We fleet up anytime we are in the same system and want to mine. The details will be decided at a later time.

Much of the manufacturing will be done by yourself. We will provide BPCs from time to time, as well as some materials on occasion, for now however, we are still working out the details of the manufacturing branch.

We have a special division for missioners, which is headed by Kenshin Dewa-Imasen.

We work on helping out new characters also, giving them advice and equipment,